

As estate agents, we are in the business of Home.  Our role has always been to help people move and we really enjoy it.  The sadness is that it’s difficult for us to pursue this passion when the Coronavirus pandemic is curtailing almost everyone’s moving plans for the time being.

Yet this bizarre time is where the concept of Home really comes into its own:

Home is our sanctuary during this time of contagion

Home is our private place during this time of reflection

Home is the focus of our sense of place

Home is where our real self resides

Home is where we can genuinely relax

Home is where our relationships both blossom and are tested

Home is where we unharness our emotions and can laugh or cry, unjudged

Home is the safe place where family is conceived and nurtured

Home is the root of our most precious past and future memories

Home is an expression of who we really are

Home ownership is a privilege and it is our privilege to serve those who wish to change home from time to time.  During this challenging time, if we can help in any way, just ask.

May you and your loved ones remain safe and well.
